As we continue to work to prevent the spread of COVID – 19 in our community we are working to adapt to the changing guidelines as offered from Health NSW, the NSW and Federal Governments. At the time of this post, all training through the training organisations we work with is expected to continue. Any deviation from normal delivery has been communicated to students. If you have not been informed your training schedule and or method has changed, you can expect it to continue as per usual with the modification to include social distancing measures. We have also not been informed of any work stoppages or shutdowns at present. Should that change, host employers will notify you of any pending changes in your work schedule.
As our employees perform work in a wide range of environments and circumstances we ask that everyone follow the directives, advice and precautions outlined by Health NSW, the NSW and the Federal Governments.
As of Monday morning 23/3/2020 Health NSW offers the following advice for preventing the spread of COVID – 19:
Actions for TAFE, colleges and universities
There is no current recommendation for these settings to close. However, educational settings such as universities could be places where there is a higher risk of transmission of COVID-19. These settings should now:
- Take all the actions listed above under Actions for an organisation, workplace or venue.
- Consider whether any activities can be postponed, reduced in size/frequency or replaced with online learning.
- Actively encourage sick students and staff to stay at home.
- Encourage personal hygiene, such as use of hand sanitiser or handwashing with soap by all staff and students.
- Prepare for students and staff to study/work from home if required, including online learning.
- Where programs require face to face interaction or physical environments such as laboratories, reduce the size of the classes, encourage regular hand hygiene of participants (hand sanitisers at entry points) and ensure cleaning addresses areas of high touch points for students and staff.
- Plan ways to reduce in-person contact for students and staff.
- Limit movements and contacts between student/class groups.
- Enable separation of students and avoid queuing.
- Identify a space that can be used to isolate students and staff who become sick.
- Keep students and staff informed of the actions you are taking.
Actions for an organisation, workplace or employer
Organisations and employers who are responsible for a workplace or venue should start to take actions now to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus. This includes any venue, such as a school, university, office building or any workplace. These actions should include:
- Consider whether activities/events can be postponed, reduced in size/frequency or cancelled.
- Cancel non-essential activities such as business travel, study visits, extra-curricular activities and sporting events.
- Encourage flexible working arrangements including working from home and off-peak travel, and consider whether staff work stations can be more widely spaced.
- Purchase COVID-19 prevention supplies, for example alcohol hand sanitisers.
- Provide and promote hand sanitisers at building entrances.
- Ensure high standards of routine environmental cleaning. Standard cleaning products are fine.
- Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly, including desks and keyboards.
- Open windows, enhance airflow, adjust air conditioning.
- Promote preventive actions amongst your staff
Lead by example.
- Encourage personal hygiene, such as use of hand sanitiser or handwashing with soap by all staff .
- Avoid large indoor meetings and lunchrooms and use outdoor venues if possible.
- Plan for increased levels of staff absences.
- Plan for what to do if staff arrive sick at work.
- Employers should refer to SafeWork NSW’s COVID-19: Advice and guidance for NSW
This is a dynamic and fast changing situation. Please work to stay informed and ensure you only take on or share information from a reliable source. Social media is not a reliable source of information. I encourage anyone looking for accurate information to check the following resources:
As this situation is changing rapidly, what you read last week, what you might have read yesterday may not apply. Stay informed by checking with the above resources frequently. We will continue to work to stay informed and will work to communicate that information.
Again, in line with advice on social distancing we remind people to contact us via phone or email.
As with other Australian employers we are watching the developments and announcements, advice and recommendations on reducing the spread of COVID – 19 very closely. This is a very dynamic and fluid situation and the landscape is changing very quickly.
Even though there have not yet been any reported cases of COVID – 19 in Leeton, GetSet staff are taking action to do our part to prevent the spread of the virus. With the previous batch of payslips and invoices sent the week of 16/3/2020 – 20/3/2020 to our employees and clients, we outline some of the changes we are implementing to prevent the spread of the virus.
We are adhering to the social distancing advice and as a result we are asking that communication with us happen via phone, email, social media or by other digital means. We will also not be making appointments to meet with clients, apprentices, trainees, and employees, or with their host employers unless absolutely necessary.
We understand that we are in uncharted territory during this unprecedented viral outbreak. The landscape, advice, mandates, regulations, policies and procedures are changing rapidly. We will do our very best to stay abreast of the latest information and will work to communicate relevant information to all of our staff and clients.
We understand that you may have questions on how this will impact you, your employment, your training and/or your employees. Should you have any questions please give us a call and we will gladly answer your questions. We thank you for your patience and your understanding.
We would like to share the following resources so you can obtain factual and accurate information regarding the Coronavirus or COVID – 19 outbreak in Australia.
The links below are where you will find accurate information about the Coronavirus or COVID – 19 outbreak in Australia. Before you believe what someone said or what you read on social media, check the facts regarding entitlements, advice on preventing the spread of the virus and information regarding general precautions in the following links. Remember to seek accurate information from these sources.
Fair Work Ombudsman on Coronavirus (as of 19/3/2020)