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Opportunities For Narrandera Employers

It can be a challenging task to locate suitable candidates to fill a role in small communities. You’re not alone, GetSet can help!

We provide employment recruiting solutions for almost any business or industry. In addition to recruiting solutions, GetSet can also help manage the progress of an apprentice or trainee.

How can we help employers in the Narrandera Shire?

We source qualified candidates for employers fast through an aggressive targeted recruitment campaign. We can further aid by culling applicants that do not possess the skills an employer really needs, we can conduct reference and employment checks, all saving employers time.

We can also aid by sourcing candidates for apprenticeships and traineeships. We maintain a close relationship with area schools and can help get your available position in front of youth interested in pursuing their dream career. We work with careers advisors to ensure we put forward the best candidates for the positions and help determine who ‘just wants a job’ and who is interested in starting a career.

Why GetSet?

  • We specialize in managing the recruitment process for businesses
  • We offer labour hire solutions for short-term, contract or casual positions
  • Our Group Training solutions help manage and monitor an apprentice or trainee for businesses, increasing their chance of success and saving you time and money

Contact us today to find out how we can help!

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