Traineeships and Apprenticeship Riverina
The Riverina’s economy is rapidly expanding and is one of the fastest growing, diverse economic zones in New South Wales. From agriculture to manufacturing, businesses are expanding and GetSet can help take away some of the growing pains associated with an expanding workforce.
How does GetSet help Riverina employers?
As any business owner or manager knows, expanding businesses and employee turnovers come with the headache of recruiting for vacant and new positions and that’s where GetSet is primed to help. Our individually tailored and targeted recruitment program can source qualified candidates for your vacancies and help bring your staffing levels up to where they need to be.
Our services extend beyond recruiting
GetSet offers more than just recruitment services, we are a one-stop-shop for your employment needs. We also offer labour hire and group training solutions to fulfill almost every need.
Through labour hire, we can find skilled and unskilled employees to help you stay on top of your short-term and contract tasks like temporary jobs or seasonal work.
Our Group Training programs will help you recruit, manage and monitor individuals for apprenticeships and traineeships within the Riverina. With completion rates below 50% across NSW, trainees and apprentices need all the help they can get. Our programs involve an individualized approach tailored to each apprentice or trainee and we work hard to help them achieve their career goals. As a result of our clients also reap the reward of gaining skilled labour without needing to spend the time focusing on the administration aspects associated with their education.
Why GetSet?
We have been around and are actively involved in the community and can help you make the connections you need to find the right people for your organization. We are actively involved with area schools and understand the importance of showing students the path to a successful and stable career in their own backyard. We help people find work and further their career goals.
Contact us today to find out how our experience can help your organization!