Lynks Program
(A learning program for year 10 students not wanting to take up tertiary studies at completion of high school, instead wanting to acquire a trade, to work in retail, hospitality, or business administration etc)
-Feedback over the last 17 years of LYNKS Students show extraordinary results
- 27% gained traineeships/apprenticeships
- 20% entered related employment or other training such as an agriculture college or TAFE
- 52% decided to return to school for year 11 and 12 with a clearer idea of their personal goals/greater self esteem
- 2% were unaccountable for
The Easy Guide was created to assist schools and other service providers with a comprehensive list of services available within region 17 and beyond
MIA AG Inspiration camps (based on successful work inspiration (WIN) Program students were introduced to many facets of the agricultural industry, attending workshops/displays throughout the program.
*Approx 60 interested students from 16 schools attended the program and were inspired by professionals across the AG Industries.
Partnership Broker Program was developed to create partnerships between parents, the community, business and schools to bring mutual benefits and provide the opportunity to maximise student attendance, engagement and achievement.
Structured Workplace Learning was delivered until 2015. Through this program up to 1100 students per year were placed into work experience, 1 week in Year 11 and Year 12 as compulsory component of their school VET subjects.