Win Program and Work Ready Workshops
- Allows student to hear direct from employers (instead of classroom teachers)
- At the end of the day students leave with clear employer expectations
- Students exposure to GetSets delivery have a clear advantage over those who are not in similar programs
- Participation allows students to network between themselves/make contact with employers
- Wonderful opportunity for young adults to gain knowledge of the working world
- Covers various important topics assisting in transition from school to work
- Gives a positive start entering into the workforce
- Hands on experience
- Staff accredited with a certificate IV in Training and assessment, boasting a wealth of knowledge/ clear understanding of what employer’s expectations are with students in the workplace
- Over 1600 employers on GetSet database, giving access to a huge cross-section of industries
- Helps students understand their roles/responsibilities in the workplace
Workshops Assist by
- Confidence building, personal skills, knowledge and attitude required when attending work placement, work experience, work study classes
- Developing students understanding of work ethics in the workplace/employer requirements
- Preparing career/transition to work
- Delivering nationally recognised units that may assist in providing recognition for prior learning for future training
- Giving a better understanding in writing job applications and preparing resumes
- Students learning how to present themselves in a work/job seeking environment
- Employers acknowledge schools preparing work with students building a sustainable when requesting work experience/ work placement
- ‘Identify own essential skills’ unit allows students to match existing skills against those needed in the workplace
- ‘Develops basic awareness of workplace priorities’ unit gives students the opportunity to learn about work practices they will experience in the workplace
Work for the Dole
- Supervision of varying Work for The Dole programs in both Leeton and Griffith
Work for the Dole can help job seekers:
- develop the skills that employers want
- show they are ready to start work
- meet new people and make contacts who can be a referee
- become involved in their local community
Current and previous Work for the Dole projects:
- Assumption Villa
- Girl Guides Hall
- Fivebough Wetlands
- Neighbourhood House
- Griffith Post School Options
- Ningana
Nsw Youth Mentoring Services Program
*This program covers three electorates within the Murrumbidgee, Wagga and Albury
- State wide youth mentoring program aiming to see over 1200 young people in years 8-9 matched with a mentor in their community to encourage them to become activity engaged in their school communities and to develop their skills/confidence
- The NSW YMP builds young people’s skills, capacity/community connectedness through mentoring to help young mentees achieve their goals/deliver a civic project of their choosing
Project Categories
- Community harmony
- Youth mental health
- Sporting engagement
- Empowering young women
- Centenary of ANZAC
- Environment/conservation
- General