VET Award Recognition
The 2018 school year is rapidly drawing to a close and students participating in various VET programs have and are taking steps towards achieving their career goals. Several students from local high schools have been nominated to be recognized for their outstanding achievements and effort that exceeded expectations.
We at GetSet would like to recognize the following students (in no particular order) for their outstanding efforts and achievements:
Amber Parr – Leeton High School
Tim Sidebottom – St Francis De Sales Regional College
Jacob Oxley – Yanco Agricultural High School
Ha’ofanga Tuiaki – Marian Catholic COllege
Samuela Lemoto – Griffith High School
Will Wait – Narrandera High School
Ella Peruzzi – Wade High School
You have all taken a proactive approach at achieving your career goals by tailoring your education in a way that builds your skill set that will make each of you more qualified in pursuing your chosen careers. We congratulate you wish you all continued success!