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What is Group Training?

Group Training refers to an arrangement where Group Training Organizations (GTOs) hire apprentices and trainees and place them with host employers. GTOs undertake employer responsibilities which includes:

  • Apprenticeship hire and training
  • Undertaking the management of employer responsibilities including wages, allowances, superannuation, workers compensation, sick/holiday pay and other employment benefits
  • Managing the quality and continuity or training, both on and off the job
  • Provide the additional care and ongoing support necessary for the apprentice to successfully complete the Traineeship/ Apprenticeship Training Contract through apprenticeship programs

Group Training can be particularly important to small and medium sized businesses

Many small businesses see committing to an apprentice or trainee as too risky, or perhaps lack the resources to manage the apprenticeship or traineeship effectively. Some are unable to provide the breadth of on the job training and skills development required for the full term of an apprenticeship or traineeship. We recognize those limitations and assume that role to ensure businesses have the resources they need to succeed.

The goals of Group Training are to:

  • Create additional employment opportunities for apprentices and trainees
  • Provide for continuity of employment and training through to completion
  • Improve the quality and range of training available to apprentices and trainees

GetSet achieves these goals by:

  • Hiring apprentices and trainees and place them with host employers
  • Meeting the employer obligations outlined in the Training Contract
  • Manage and monitor arrangements with host employers; training providers and apprentice/trainees
  • Provide any necessary care and support throughout the apprenticeship or traineeship
  • Assist apprentices and trainees to make a successful transition into the skilled workforce
  • Rotate apprentices and trainees among host employers to ensure continuity and enhance the quality and range of their training experience
  • Provide access to apprenticeships and traineeships for those disadvantaged in the labour market
  • Provide services to the community which contribute to the promotion of vocational education and training while encouraging local employment.

Contact us today to hire apprentices and trainees in Wagga Wagga, Albury, Riverina, Leeton, Griffith.