SBAT Success
Brooklyn O’Callaghan on being an SBAT
How did you know about the SBAT program?
My grandfather referred me to this program that allowed me to finish school and start working towards my chosen apprenticeship as an SBAT.
How did you find the work/TAFE/school balance?
I did one day per week at TAFE, one day on the job with my host employer I2R and 3 days at school. Communication with work and school was very important, so I didn’t fall behind in my studies.
What lies ahead now you have completed your School Based Apprenticeship?
Now that I have completed my School Based Apprenticeship in the Electrical Trade, I will be going into full-time work knowing that I have a head start in my Apprenticeship, the skills and level of understanding to complete my training and my HSC completed. The SBAT program over 2 years allows me to commence a full time Apprenticeship as a 2nd year Apprentice.