Worldskills Regional Competition

On 12th September 2024, TAFE NSW Leeton Campus was the host for the Worldskills Regional competition. The section held was Electrical Control.  This was restricted to competitors under 24 years of age.


The Electrical Control section required competitors to read an Electrical Drawing layout and control circuit.  This had a 7hour time limit. Competitors were then required to install electrical equipment on panel and into the control box. They then need to be able to read an electrical circuit diagram correctly and wire up to terminals as required.


The project was a forward-reverse conveyor with limit switches.  If a competitor does not read correctly or miss a wire, then the project will not work as per script.


GetSet’s apprentice Jonathan Sherlock came a close second, having his project working first time.  This was only achieved by 3 of the 8 competitors.  This was a great effort from Jonathan as he does not do this type of work generally in his workplace.  Congratulations to Jonathan on achieving second place.

(Information provided by world skills adjudicator and Electrical TAFE teacher Rod Chant)